Over the last year Barnet UNISON have been very concerned about Fire Safety in Barnet Libraries.
This arose because the Council were slow in providing Fires Risk Assessments (FRAs) for Libraries and in complying with the actions resulting from these assessments.
During 2017 Library buildings were altered as part of the Library Program. This included internal structural changes and the installation of technology to permit unstaffed opening hours. These changes meant that the building’s Fire Risk Assessments (FRAs) needed reviewing and replacing.
In addition a new Library, Finchley Church End was opened in September 2017 which also required a Fire Risk Assessment
UNISON began asked the Council for these Fire Risk Assessment prior to library staff returning to each site and before the Libraries opened to the public.
However the Council only produced these FRA weeks and months after library staff and the public were admitted to the Libraries.
Examples include;
1. North Finchley Library reopened to the public on the 12th June 2017
The FRA issued on the 24th August 2017
2. Golders Green Library reopened to the public on the 3rd July 2017 The FRA issued on 10th August 20.17
3. Osidge Library reopened to the public on the 26th June 2017
The FRA issued on the 16th August 2017
The FRAs when they were produced identified a number of actions for the Council to carry out. The majority of these were described as a
- “…..a potential contravention of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, or a high risk to Health & Safety from fire”
The deadline for complying with most of these actions was three months from the issue of the FRA.
A few of the issues are listed below:
- Replacing Fire Doors at some with doors with the required level of fire Resistance
- Fire Refuge Area communication system not working at a number of sites
- The Emergency Lighting untested at a number of sites
- No record of the five yearly structural inspection of the external fire escapes at a number of libraries
- Incomplete Fire Safety signage missing at a number of sites
- Smoke seals needed for doors at a number of libraries
- Insufficient numbers of fire extinguisher at one site
- Fire extinguisher incorrectly mounted at a number of sites
- Fire door not closing correctly at one library
- Basement area at one library requiring upgrading to required level of fire resistance
- Width of staff exit at one site below recommendations
- Confirmation needed that there is fire separation in the roof void between the library and the commercial use area at one site
Barnet UNISON have been inspecting Libraries to see if the FRA actions have been carried out. In most cases these have not been completed. UNISON have raised this at a number of escalating meetings to the highest level and in our inspection reports.
But no real evidence was presented to Barnet UNISON by the Council that most of the issues had been resolved. Barnet UNISON informed the Council on a number of the occasions that if this continued we would be compelled to contact the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to report our concerns.
Despite this the Council failed to meaningfully respond and with regret Barnet UNISON reported our concerns to the Health and Safety Executive.
The Council have since then provided UNISON with a plan of works to act upon the FRAs but while this is welcome. These action should have been completed months ago.
The Council inaction has in UNISON view being largely caused by various Council/Capita management teams’ failure to take responsibility to have the Fire Risk Assessment in place in good time and to respond in sufficient time to resolve the problems identified in these assessments.
Barnet UNISON do not believe these failures have been due to library staff on site, who have reported these problems according to Council procedures and to their Trade Union , and who have themselves been put at risk by the Council.
Barnet UNISON will continue in our campaign to make Barnet Libraries safe for our members, all Library staff and the public.
To this end we call on the Council to:
- Ensure that libraries and other Council buildings have up to date FRAs in place before staff and the public are admitted
- Act speedily and effectively to comply with Fire Risk Assessments
- Review the management of Fire Safety arrangements and monitoring within the Council
- Work with UNISON and other concerned parties in addressing the risks and hazards in identified in Fire Risk Assessments.
Please note: The following services are provided by #Capita:
- Estates
- Health and Safety
- Project Management